Village Department of Public Works
2621 Earl Street
Weedsport, NY 13166
Phone: (315) 834-6411
Fax: (315) 834-9110
DPW hours are 6 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday thru Thursday, 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Friday.
Refuse Collection – Collection is on Mondays, except for legal holidays, and will be picked up on Tuesday. Refuse must be placed at the curb in clear bags by 7 a.m. and have an orange refuse bag sticker affixed. Bags are limited to 33 gallons size, 35 pounds in weight. Stickers are $1.00 each and are available at the Village Office, Town Office, Pit Stop and Shurfine Market.
Large items also require special stickers, which are available only at the Village Office. These are $5.00 each. One sticker is required for large items weighing less than 50 pounds, 2 for items over 50 pounds, and 3 each for mattresses and springs. We do not take building materials or tires.
Recycling is mandatory. The following items may be brought to the Recycling Center in the DPW area on Earl St. Newspaper, corrugated cardboard; plastic milk jugs; #2 plastic (usually detergent type bottles); tin and aluminum cans. All items must be clean, with labels and bottle tops removed. Hours are: Thursday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Saturday 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Chipping is the second Tuesday each month, April thru October. All brush should be at the curb by 7 a.m. Piles should be no larger than 4’ high x 6’ wide x 8’ long, with a diameter no larger than 6”. The purpose of the chipper service is to assist homeowners with regular yard maintenance NOT to remove entire trees. NOTE: Brush can no longer be brought to the DPW garage; it must be placed at curb for chipping.
Yard waste: (leaves and weeds) are collected each Friday (until the Friday before Thanksgiving). Material should be at the curb in biodegradable bags. No Grass clippings.
Asbestos handling and disposal guide: